Have You Recently Updated Your Website?
A website is similar to food because it only stays fresh for a limited amount of time. Have you updated your website in the last year? Customer growth needs to be refreshed to organically grow over.
Have You Regularly Updated Your Posts?
You should update your site with small posts every week. This helps keep customers engaged and the website fresh.
You should update your site with small posts every week. This helps keep customers engaged and the website fresh.
Does Your Site Encourage Comments?
Today customers should be able to comment on new posts and actively engage in a dialogue with the company. This makes them feel like they are active participants of the company.
Do You Engage Your Customers With A Monthly Newsletter?
70% of users who abandon your website will probably never come. Customs who buy something from you are more likely to become repeat customers. Did you know having customers subscribe to your email list will also lead to repeat customers? The most direct form of communication is email. It is checked more often than social media.
Are You Connecting with Social Media?
Is your site easily shareable? Your website should convey important information and wow your audience. Can customers share the parts of your site that excite them on social media like Facebook?